Alright I got the fuel tank disconnected and removed, now I've got a few questions....
A) There are 4 small rubber hoses connected to the front of the gas tank, I'll have to replace one but I'd really like to replace all of them if I can, can I just get these at autozone? And does anybody know which of these goes to what? I removed that black canister from under the hood so whichever one goes to that I can leave off, and if any of the others are for some undesired emissions requirement like that I'd like to know also.
B) The tank appears to be in great shape, just needs a LOT of exterior cleaning. I looked inside, and it looks good except for a slight amount of rusting in the top of the tank....what do I need to do to get that out and how important is it that I do? Is there a chemical I can buy to do this myself?
C) Do they have the fuel filler tube at autozone or any auto parts store as well? I know I'll find out either way when I get off work today but thought I'd get a head start on looking for one on the internet if somebody knew that they didn't.
Thanks guys
(A) From what you're saying about your car having the black plastic canister (charcoal canister) up in the engine compartment and the small rubber hoses at the fuels tank, It looks like your car must have originally been sold in Californai and as such would have the California (only) mandated "Cleaner Air Package" (C.A.P.) system in place. This could also be verifed by looking at your fender tag, which should have factory option code #471 for the 66-67 models.
In my humble opinion, unless you live in California, or plan to move to California, or you live in a State that has a strict mandated emissions testing program in place that might hassle you for not having all of the cars original emission equipment on the car, you could just cap off those 4 small lines at the tank. You would then want to make sure that you have a vented gas cap in place to avoid problems there, as some of those original lines were vent lines.
There should also be two larger formed hoses that you should replace and they are both being reproduced and sold as either a set, or individually and can be found on ebay and most of the major Mopar suppliers like Firestone Collectibles, Year One, and others. I like and use the ones from Firestone Collectibles, but as long as their new, all should work fine.
Firestone Collectibles
Item #: FTEA
This is a brand new reproduction kit. Includes what is seen in the picture, including both sizes of the small hose. You will only need to use 2 of the hoses in the kit. Fits all 66-67 B-bodies except station wagon.
Year One part #FR859
Mopar 1966-1967 B-body models fuel filler elbow.
This elbow clamps in place between the outer filler tube and the filler tube of the gas tank. Includes the correct-style clamps.
Year One part #FR860
Mopar 1966-1967 B-body models fuel vent pipe elbow.
This properly routes fuel vapor.
(B) See Tem's (69 Runners) advice above for cleaning and repairing your tank.
(C) The fuel filler tube is steel and should be able to to be cleaned up and reused. If it's rusted out, or damaged in some other way, you're going to have to find a used one at a wreaking yard or somewhere like ebay, because as far as I know, nobody is reproducing this part. If you're talking about the rubber elbow hoses that connect the filler tube to the fuel tank, then see all of the information I listed above.