I do agree with you, but..... he proclaims to be a premier restorer, but when you see him reproduce the cosmoline finish on the lower control arms with the knuckle end coated instead of the knuckle area being kept bare and installing fuel lines on an assembled undercarriage (instead of before the suspension was installed), it really makes me wonder.
Also, the place is called Welby's Collision, which pretty much confirms what their main business really is. BTW, I wonder who is Welby is?
I'm thinking Mark Worman bought out the Welby's, or inherited
maybe ?? I don't know for a fact, don't quote me... I wondered the same thing, but I also kind of remember hearing him/Mark say something about a "father in law" teaching him stuff, when he was talking to his "son in law Josh", a few shows back, about Josh taking it over some day... maybe the Welby's name sake was the father in law to Mark ?? maybe is how he got the shop....
maybe ?? I don't know thou...
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The big problem as I see it,
"is it's the only MoPar related show on TV", the die hard purist MoPar crowd will love anything MoPar related, even if it's total crap, we are so damn brand loyal, sometimes we need to wear blinders...LOL...
I don't hate the show, but I also by far "don't Love the show" either, especially the light it puts on the MoPar crowd, the world already thinks were all a little squirrelly already...LOL... I would like to see it made much better, higher quality or it's not going to be around very much longer, it's kind of like a damn train wreck, "you can't help but watch it"... Hopefully it will get better with time or it will be back to just another stupid webcast show, like it originally started out.... even 50% tech & 50% BS or product endorsement crap, instead of the 5%-10% tech & 90%-95% BS & endorsement crap, like it is now... Maybe have product endorsements of MoPar restoration products is fine, show people the products you use, but all the other non-car or tool related BS endorsements,
is just plain stupid, waste of air time for everyone but Marks bank account... IMHFO any of those changes & I'm sure I'm not alone in my thoughts, would be a 1000% improvement....