Well-Known Member
Caliper is hanging up somehow. Look at the slider areas for burrs, wear, lack of lube etc.
The rubber is the upper seal of the splash shield and the clips just hold the the rubber to the sheildSurprise, surprise...more rust found.
While I had the front wheels off to replace the rotors, gazing up into the fender well, I saw some rust-through on the passenger side splash shield, at the top outer corner and near the bottom. What is that upside-down U-shaped rubber thingy called? Fortunately the driver side is good, I'll just need to replace one splash shield, but both rubber things need to be replaced.
Installation question: It looks like this part mostly just pops in with push-pins, but what's the process to replace it? Is there welding involved?
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Looking good brother!!!It's almost spring time in northwestern Canada and I got around to cleaning up some used front sidemarkers and restoring my original reverse lights. As Grendel will be a driver, I'm mainly concerned only with visible appearance of these parts, I won't be replacing with brand new repros. The sidemarker chrome had the usual crud and decades-old wax remnants inside the grooves. I cleaned that up with 0000 steel wool, now they're presentable again and ready to reinstall. My reverse light housings were a tad more work but at least the visible stainless parts clean up nicely with the steel wool. Here's a before-after showing one of them; the other will definitely need more attention.
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View attachment 1817571