Just seems to me (Ok yeah, no kidding Sherlock) that the stage weapons should be under constant security of the armorer and locked up in a case by this person until ready for use. NO handing it to anyone else other than the actor to use it and they get it back after the scene to be re-secured. Guns described as laying out ‘on a cart’ outside the set? If under the constant eye of the armorer ok. Leave to take a piss? Lock them in the case or box until ya return. Similar to a safety law I’m familiar with called “Control of Hazardous Energy” nickname Lockout/Tagout. As I posted earlier – has anyone read yet just where da eff this armorer was? Her twitter/facebook links have been closed as has the assistant director’s, the guy that gave Baldwin the gun. No surprise. A cheap flick being made and seems likely cheap-ness all around including safety protocols.