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Gun safety

Added Corrie: “The reason that Alec Baldwin did not check the firearm is because… he’s not given time to do so. It is an understood that when the firearm is handed to him it is in proper working order. And that is the responsibility of the armorer prop master, whoever is in control of the firearms on set. So all the armchair quarterbacks that are sitting back and saying well, Alec Baldwin is responsible because he didn’t check the gun, that’s not the procedure that’s used on set — so stop with that. Ultimately it is the responsibility of the armorer or prop master or whomever is on set in control and responsible for those firearms being available and made ready for each scene.”

Merrick centered his concerns on the fact that the low-budget, independent film had reportedly seen some of its union crew walk off set in protest of the working conditions, and the prop department was replaced with an out-of-state, non-union staff.


As noted above - I don't care if Jesus Christ himself hands me a gun. I'm checking it myself. You NEVER take another person's word that "it's not loaded" - YOU CHECK FOR YOURSELF.
Added Corrie: “The reason that Alec Baldwin did not check the firearm is because… he’s not given time to do so. It is an understood that when the firearm is handed to him it is in proper working order. And that is the responsibility of the armorer prop master, whoever is in control of the firearms on set. So all the armchair quarterbacks that are sitting back and saying well, Alec Baldwin is responsible because he didn’t check the gun, that’s not the procedure that’s used on set — so stop with that. Ultimately it is the responsibility of the armorer or prop master or whomever is on set in control and responsible for those firearms being available and made ready for each scene.”

Merrick centered his concerns on the fact that the low-budget, independent film had reportedly seen some of its union crew walk off set in protest of the working conditions, and the prop department was replaced with an out-of-state, non-union staff.
Holly Wood can not make it's own laws or can it? Was there malice or intent? These are adults not five year old kids. Some one gives you a gun you check it plan and simple. These are not plastic cap guns but maybe they should be if adult actors can not act like adults.
To make sure a gun is not loaded:
*Always check using your own forehead
The way we handle guns:
Buddy has a gun. He opens it, Checks for clear. If he hands it to you, you open it and check for clear even if you just watched him do the same thing. That’s how things are done in my circle of friends.
I’ve taken many people out shooting over the years. I give every one of them a quick safety lecture, even if they are “gun people”. I end the lecture with “if you ever point a gun at me, even if by accident, I will punch you in the face to make sure that you remember not to do it again. I’m not kidding.” And I’m not kidding.
Your to kind.
Added Corrie: “The reason that Alec Baldwin did not check the firearm is because… he’s not given time to do so. It is an understood that when the firearm is handed to him it is in proper working order. And that is the responsibility of the armorer prop master, whoever is in control of the firearms on set. So all the armchair quarterbacks that are sitting back and saying well, Alec Baldwin is responsible because he didn’t check the gun, that’s not the procedure that’s used on set — so stop with that. Ultimately it is the responsibility of the armorer or prop master or whomever is on set in control and responsible for those firearms being available and made ready for each scene.”

The rules of firearm safety should 100% take precedence over movie set protocol... The asshats in Hollywood want to preach to us about the dangers of firearms but don't want to respect the danger themselves.....

"The reason that Alec Baldwin did not check the firearm is because… he’s not given time to do so." Well then Alec Baldwin needs to demand the time to make his own safety check.... It takes less than thirty seconds, and in this case it would have saved a life....

If no one is held accountable nothing will change.... Getting damn tired of the "elite" being given a pass every time they screw up (which happens allot)

These days there's no accountability for the people at the bottom or the top.... It's just the folks in the middle that have rules...
The budget of a film doesn't justify a lack of common sense. It was drilled into me since grade school to never point a gun at someone, even if I was told it's unloaded.
Try that at a range and watch how fast you get removed.
At particular ranges on a stretcher. I don't think the people in the towers with machine guns were just for show. As stupid as it seamed to put your thumb in your ear everyone did it.
Post number 35 said 2 things had to happen. #1 He pointed the gun at someone. #2 He pulled the trigger. You forgot one other thing. It was a Single Action Colt ( or replica). He also had to cock it first.
Every body failed in this situation. As we have heard it. They are probably still getting their stories straight. Live ammo never allowed on set. Firearms always in the control of the armorer, except when the scene is being shot and then the armorer immediately regains control and secures the arms.
Why was a non actor being the subject of Alec's aim ? 2 people were hit. One bullet passed through both people ?
No apologies only responsibility, jail sentences and fines/lawsuits/settlements now.
Hire NRA instructors for all firearm involved movie productions to be on set at all times.
The comment about trusting a 24 year old girl was totally out of order. It depends on the person. What is the appropriate age to trust anyone ? Boy/man, girl/woman.
At home it was 10 with an experienced hunter. I was hunting alone by 13. Real guns were never play things.
Added Corrie: “The reason that Alec Baldwin did not check the firearm is because… he’s not given time to do so. It is an understood that when the firearm is handed to him it is in proper working order. And that is the responsibility of the armorer prop master, whoever is in control of the firearms on set. So all the armchair quarterbacks that are sitting back and saying well, Alec Baldwin is responsible because he didn’t check the gun, that’s not the procedure that’s used on set — so stop with that. Ultimately it is the responsibility of the armorer or prop master or whomever is on set in control and responsible for those firearms being available and made ready for each scene.”

Merrick centered his concerns on the fact that the low-budget, independent film had reportedly seen some of its union crew walk off set in protest of the working conditions, and the prop department was replaced with an out-of-state, non-union staff.
That's a cop out and you know it.
Hmm, perhaps the prop guy handed JW Booth a loaded gun by mistake.
The newspapers hung him out to dry and didn't blame the prop guy. Instead, everyone pursued him for shooting Lincoln.

"Acting" has come a long way over the years.

Baldwin was "acting" as a shooter at the time, so he gets a pass? He shot and killed a person. The local New Mexico prosecutor has a job to do. Meanwhile, media runs cover with every "expert" in the field to divert from the real issue. He shot her.
It takes less than thirty seconds
It takes less than THREE seconds!

1. finger OFF the trigger and point at the GROUND.
2a. (semiauto) drop the mag, pull the slide back and look IN the chamber.
2b. (revolver) pull the rod and drop the cylinder, and look to see if there are bullets in the cylinder.
I realize some here are not old enough to remember Mattel 50 fanners that shot plastic bullets and hurt like hell if you were to close to them when fired. Surprised no one lost an eye growing up. Yes some kid lost an eye and the industry took them away. Our parents confiscated our plastic reloads and we were restricted to poop caps.

Way to much glorified valance out of Holly Wood these days. Just maybe some day people will realize you don't just getup and go home afterwards in real life.
....and then, there's this....

.... There should NEVER be a real gun on set for any reason.[/QUOTE]
...Except for self defense.
My Brother worked in the motion picture industry for over forty years as a set painter and
he was in the union. Not sure how every union/non-union workplace is, but non-union jobs
had a definite stigma associated with them and most of the highly talented union workers
would not work on a non-union show. Once the word got around that you did, you were
an outcast. The producers quit calling you for jobs. Your friends were still your friends, but
they couldn't help you. Being in the union let you work next to very talented craftspeople
that you could learn alot from. Not so much on the non-union sets. And when he retired,
the pension and health benefits were great! I remember him explaining to me at the time
what happened to Brandon Lee, and why. No one needs to die working in the entertainment
I was taught that you ALWAYS ASSUME A GUN IS LOADED. First thing I do when I pick up or I am handed a gun is clear the chamber with the barrel pointing down and away from anyone/thing. I also do not touch the trigger / trigger guard. (I hate being handed a gun when there are people around, because it is inevitable that whoever hands you the gun gives it to you in an awkward way that you almost end up pointing the thing at someone until you have it in a safe position.) Then I clear the magazine. It all stays clear until I'm ready to shoot or hit the woods. I never put a loaded gun down on the floor, ground, table, or lean it against something. I always clear all ammo out beforehand.

A friend's son had put his shotgun down or leaned it against something, I'm not totally sure how or what, but his hunting dog got excited about something and jumped bumping his shotgun and it went off. A few millimeters either way and he would not be with us. He was very lucky.

If you ever watch trap shooters, they always shoot both shells off even if they hit on the first one.

It's a shame the way things are today. Guys that my wife went to school with tell me of their one teacher that required them to bring their guns into school every year before hunting season so that they could tear them down in class, clean them, and he would inspect the mechanics and then they would reassemble them. His theory was to teach them to keep their gun clean, safe, and so they could repair it if needed. The teacher was a WWII Army vet. Should have more teachers like him. But you know the rest of the story.
Then I clear the magazine
Clear the mag FIRST.

If you have a full mag and rack the slide to check the chamber...when you release the slide, you just loaded the chamber.

Mag FIRST is drilled into my head due to the disassembly requirements of my Springfield's (XDs and Hellcat) - lock back slide, rotate slide release lever, release slide, pull trigger, remove slide.


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