A li'l out of season but,
Twas the night of the party, when all through the town, not a creature was stirring, not a pig was around. The joints were all rolled, and piled into stacks, in hopes that we all would be blown to the max. WE drank southern comfort, and smoked panama red, while visions of tequila delighted our heads. When all of a sudden, at the door came a knock, and everyone shouted, IT'S A COP, IT'S A COP ! But what to our blood shot eyes should appear, but 10 pounds of columbian, and 3 kegs of beer. The man at the door with an ear to ear grin, asked us to party, and we said, come on in ! He took out his dope & started to roll. He took out a bong, and sparked up a bowl. We partied & partied, and caught a great buzz, and he left through the door, before we knew who he was. Then he exclaimed, as he flew through the sky, REEFER TO ALL, AND TO ALL A GREAT HIGH !