Aside from the fact that my gate don't swing that way,those long distance relationships never workout! Lol
The car isn't what it is,it's what I made it to be. Some people really like the car,others think I took a perfectly good Charger R/T and went at it with a sawzall,which is not the case. I have had people tell me that their uncle had one just like it,that he bought brand new! That would have saved me a shitload of work. The weather is starting to break,and hopefully I will be assembling my 70 Charger R/T V code car soon,getting some more metal work done on my 70 Road Runner convertible project,and maybe even make some progress on the Daytona stock car project. My friends and I went through a phase where we wanted to build some Mopars that were outside the box,and the 70 Charger R/T convertible was the inspiration,that led to the 71 Wingcar builds,the 71 GTX convertible,and two factory styling studio builds! We had a lot of fun building and showing them. My convertible Charger inspired atleast two other convertible builds I personally have seen,one I built,and one of which was constructed by a company that was doing the conversions after seeing my car in magazines. What KD was trying to say,was try using a little tact,when critizing someones car. Someones build might not be your cup of tea,but it's someone else's pride and joy!