MrBug, I would steer clear of this, way clear.
Based on everything you stated, this guy has no clue what he is talking about, is lying through his teeth, and looking to scam someone.
Also, with all those lies he is spewing you have no idea what else is wrong with this car. Don't get scammed.
At 14K you might be able to find a running RR that you can work on. I have come across a few. I am looking for a 68/69 RR and been watching pricing for a while and 14K is about 10-12K over what this car is worth.
If you found a real RR or GTX this might make a decent parts car as the body, grill, chrome look decent, but this guy will never sell it for that.
Keep looking and the right car will come up. I am, and it will.
By the way, I love the Road Runner sticker (I doesn't even look like a real decal) that he slapped on the trunk and quarters while he's claiming it's a GTX. A$$ hat!
By the way, if you are looking for a 68/69 RR or GTX, let me know as I am looking for myself and search in the southeast daily to see what pops up, and if something comes up that I am not interested in but would fit what you are looking for I don't mind passing the information on to you.