Active Member
I've been trying to figure this one out for some time now. Its a 318 stock except for a cam, headers, edelbrock 4 barrel, and ignition upgrades. When I fire it up, it slowly seems to build up rpms up to around 3, idle screw is back all the way, so is the idle screw, and idle mixture screw are set at 1 1/2 I have played around with the choke and noticed that the idle calms down when I hold the choke closed. Which as far as I know is the opposite of how the choke should work.. i believe it should be richening up the mixture when the choke is closed to get it running faster, thus warming the engine up quicker. I believe I have come to the theory that I have a vacuum leak, where extra air is getting in and thus the extra fuel ( the richening effect) balances out with that extra air and makes it run "normal". Does this make sense to anyone, or am I just over thinking it? Any input or further ideas would keep me a bit sane..