there's 7 mature bucks most shedding velvet
right outside my office window off my back deck
overlooking the back 40 acres
not uncommon here, I see them constantly
right outside my office window, outback or in the easement between me & the uphill neighbors
I know shitty photos, the sun was high noon & no good filter for my cheapo digital camera
wanted to get the shots anyway
Here, commonly, it's turkey, occ. eagles, hawks, osprey nesting in the pines outback
the ducks in the lil' winter pond outback, deer
(mostly does & their fawns in tow, see a big bachelor group every so often Mule Deer)
coyotes, squirrels, coons, skunks, porcupines, the occasional big cat (bobcat or cougar)
lots of neighbor's cats, hunting mice & gophers, they don't live long around here
eaten by coyotes mostly