I've now caught up on all the posts from the last couple days on this thread and enjoyed most of them very much.
Seems I'm amongst a lot of "salt of the earth" types here. Good on all of you.

There is a certain nobility in doing an honest days' work. Doesn't really matter what it is you do for a living as long
as you do it to the best of your ability. There
has to be some integrity to the effort; otherwise, what a waste, eh?
I don't want to get off on a rant about the younger generation here, but in my line of work (fire sprinklers) we'll go
through 10 of them to keep 1 these days - the work ethic simply isn't there.
Generalizing here, not applicable to all mind you:
They want max dollars when they walk in the door, green and inexperienced.
They don't respect those who have gone before them and have the experience they could benefit from.
They don't have that inner drive that makes us take care of customers and get the job done properly the first time.
There's a wealth of us older guys who have the wealth of experience and the willingness to teach, if only the younger
folks would want us to.
We're hurting for help as I'm sure everyone is. Can't even get them to come through the door looking for a job....
Like a lot of the trades, ours is one where a fellow can get seriously hurt if he doesn't pay attention and knows what
he's doing. I've got my share of scars from it, but I've been blessed and lucky, too.
People have died doing this stuff. I've seen some stuff, man....
It's not anything as noble as serving the country (God love all of you who have!), but it is an honest trade.
I've been in unions and out of them doing this. Doesn't really matter to me one way or the other.
I carried a card when it was mandatory for the job.
I'm blessed with a cushy gig these days - take care of customers while sitting on my *** mostly, taking their
calls, doing proposals, fetching materials, dealing with officials.
Good money working for decent folks - and I've worked for some with serious character/integrity issues.
I'm up at 2:30 - 3AM every day now in my later 50's. Not by choice or because I have to. The 3rd time croaking did that to me, I guess. Bedtime is usually before 10PM simply because that's when my wife turns in.
It's just been that way the last 5 years; I can't even make myself go back to bed.
It's weird, like something inside my is hellbent on being ON all the time even though I don't have to.
I don't have any retirement saved up anymore. It's all gone, thanks to all the cancers and associated medical issues.
There is no great retirement plan here; I just want to see the country one time before I'm done, minus the NE.
Been there, done that a lot in younger years, no offense to those up there.
A lot of folks want to get a place in the country to go relax when they're done, like a place in the mountains or some such;
I have that already, thankfully. Made that decision to leave cities behind over 20 years ago and it basically saved my life.
I want to see the deserts of the SW, the plains, places like Wyoming and Montana.
A jump in the Winnebago sort of thing, God willing. It'd be nice, eh? A fella can dream.