I have the six pack handbook. And I've done a lot of reading. The problem is me explaining some things incorrectly and it's hard for you all to diagnose over the internet when talking to somebody not 100% sure of what they're explaining.
I guarantee if it was in front of you, you'd have it figured out in minutes.
I think I found some of my problems.... too low of octane.
Here's the story on the car.
The motor was built back in 2001 by a guy named Dick in Urbana, OH. The block had machine work done, internals done, heads ported, and the transmission "race" built. He said it was a "high 9, low 10s car". He worked on Mopars and built quite a few race motors for local guys from what I've understood.
I have some of the paperwork from back then.
I had it running great once last week. But, I had a huge scare when the throttle stuck and it started spinning tires shifting to 2nd.
Then had a speck of something on the float thing and it was dumping fuel in. Had to pull the carb off. I thought I had enough of the mix still when I put 5 gallons of 93 in it. I'm guessing the 93 dropped the mixture too much.
There's a long history to this car being abused and neglected before I got my hands on it. I'm trying as hard as I can to fix the things that were wrong or bad. I've never had a race-built motor before. I've driven powerful cars before, but nothing like this. I've worked on cars before, but again, nothing like this.
I'm trying. I really am.
Thank you all for the help. We'll eventually get it, even with my lack of experience. Just continue to have patience with me.