Wow lofty venture, some cool tracks too...
Hope that works out for them...
IHRA is spending some series funds, this time it seems
acquiring several tracks
hopefully they don't overextend themselves, too much debt
I hope they get good crowds & have good payouts,
to keep the racers coming back, which will keeps fans in the seats...
I wonder if they will still,
stick with the 'Amateur only/Sportsman Racing classes' too
that didn't seem to work well enough last time around
maybe no-prep (?), some seem to like it, a lot of the 'Instagram' younger crowd
(I'm not a huge fan of it)
Or Pros get/put butts in seats, Funny Cars, Fuel Altereds, T/S, P/M, Mountain Motor P/S
Outlaw Pro-stock too, them fans of them racers/Older people are buying concessions/swag...
Hopefully they'll do 'Mountain Motor' stuff still, what IHRA was known for...