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I'm sad today


Jackstand racer #1 & proud of it, Sir Posts A Lot
FBBO Gold Member
Local time
1:30 PM
Jan 16, 2011
Reaction score
NorCal Sierras
I'm sad today I was looking forward to celebrating veterans day with ol' Pops & BBQing watching some MNF... He's/Pops is in the hospital, shortness of breath & a tightness in the chest, shaking like a leaf, dry cough {not really out of the norm, for an asthmatic, I've seen it a few times, he drinks like a fish, shakes really bad in the mornings, but never symptoms this bad or this long, even thou} he woke me this morning & said he needed me to take him to the hospital, he wasn't feeling good, rushed him to there quick as I humanly could, 8 or so miles down to town I didn't want to wait for a ambulance... But you can imagine how the rest of the day has gone... I don't want any pity & I was kind of reluctant to put this on here, but we have such a great members support base here, it's kind of like therapy, sharing stuff with my friends/talking... He seems to be OK, he's an asthmatic after all, they did some tests & put him on oxygen, had him on a nebulizer/inhaler -spelling?- {chemical he breaths in/along with oxygen into his lungs, to open his capillaries & lung passages} he was vastly improved this afternoon, thank goodness, when I went back after his 3hrs of tests, now they are doing more exploratory type tests tonight, see what caused the chest tightening {beyond the asthma symptoms} & will keep him in the hospital over night, he was dehydrated & really tired because he didn't sleep well last evening too supposedly, he's on an IV drip, resting comfortably now... Thank goodness... I think & Really Hope the worst has passed, sorry I don't mean to put my stuff on others here, It's mine to deal with... I just felt better to pass the time, my mind is going nuts right now... Budnicks
my prayers are with you Budnicks, i recently went through similar with my mom and know how you feel.
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Prayers for a quick recovery and many more yrs. Any time a family member is ill It's time to rally the Troops, Good luck and god bless !
I have been there and done that. Rich
It's a great feeling to know that you were there to help in a time of need. These jestures like yours today help us all to deal with life as we all age. Hang in there and my support and thoughts to you both.
prayers for your pops and family , if you should need anything send a pm if it is my power I will do all I can
Budnicks - you're with friends here - and we're all here pulling for you and your family in this thing we call "life". We're not her to provide you "pity", but to be your brothers and provide you support when the going gets rough.

My prayers and best wishes to you and your family ! !
Sorry to hear it Bud. I lost my Dad, best friend and hero 3 years ago. I watched him die for 6 years. The cold hard reality of it is that we are at that point in our lives as their children. It is afterall as natural as falling off a log.

But then again, he could be fooling you. He could pull out and make a mad dash towards 100. We just never know. The best we can do is make them as comfortable as we can while they go through this.

Good luck chief.
we have some great people here, it's the not knowing that's the worse thing, he seemed to OK when I left.. he' very strong willed too... I love this place... Thanks to all that have commented & the prayers & well wishes... I'm sure he will get a kick out of it when I tell him later...
My prayers are with you and Pops, Buds. here's to a speedy recovery! :eek:ccasion14:
Sorry! Budnicks Prayers to you and your Pops hope everything goes well and gets out of the hospital soon. I hate the thought of it but, Im afraid soon I will be in a similar situation and quite often. I am 60 years old this month I have 13 brothers and sisters and I am second to the youngest with youngest being 59 yrs. 5 of them in there 70's
I lost mine in '09 - crossing my fingers for ya, hopefully he will be around many more years.
You and Pops are in my prayers as well Budnicks!

Thanks for letting me know Cranky
Best of luck and prayers for a speedy recovery.

Regardless of what happens, take comfort in the fact that you are continuing to create a bond stronger than anything - you are there for him, and that is what counts. When the time comes (hopefully still far in the future) when he passes, the bond of love and respect will still be there, and you help to build that bond with days like today...
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