Thanks guys, he laughed yesterday/last night when I told him about all the well wishes, he said "they don't know me, do they ??" I told him they kind of do now, he's very thankful...
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Pops is going thru a few more tests, they want to pin down any issues, for the most part, I'm guessing he's doing 75% better at-least, he's breathing much better... But they still want to do some more heart tests, they are keeping him until Wed. min. now... I was only able to talk to him on the phone today/this morning, before the heart stress tests, they were going to do {there's a tech. name for it I don't know}, he will also be going thru a bunch of testing today as a precautionary measure, at the request of his personal Dr.... I will hopefully know more tonight "maybe"... I think all the test results, will ultimately take some time too, thou... They said he will be sleeping probably the whole afternoon, so I will just let him sleep... I'm on a call alert for any updates...
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There are a few I'd like a sponge bath from...