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I'm sad today

There are many "Brotherhoods" and this is one too. We can all be here for one another. I'm glad we can be here for you Bud.
thanks Ron, yeah I just got back again "he's doing allot better", they are going to keep him till Wed., they think it's pneumonia/bronchitis possibly, they have him on steroids & antibiotics now, seemed allot better was talking about all the young cute nurses/doctors....

Yup, sound like he's doing MUCH better ! ! !

Go Pops ! ! ! ( smile ) Whooohoooo ! ! ! !

Great news Budnicks . . . thanks for keeping us updated.
Hey Budnicks, you and your whole family will be in our prayers. I know how you feel about not wanting to post some things here. I'm the same way. My mother passed away on the 21st of October. That's why I haven't been posting much. Before she passed, she was in the hospital for a month and not getting any better so I know what you are feeling right now. Just remember that god has a plan and trust in his plan. Stay tough my friend you are always among friends here.

Thank you... I'm so sorry to hear that, may she RIP, you, your family & friends, have my deepest heartfelt condolences....
Best wishes to you and Pops, Bud. Glad he's improved this afternoon and hope you guys can make up for the missed kickback time next weekend

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Thank you... I'm so sorry to hear that, may she RIP, you, your family & friends, have my deepest heartfelt condolences....

x2, really sorry to hear that man :/ sending my best wishes your way as well
Budnicks, Your dad sounds as if he is just as a stubborn old work of art as my dad. It is great that you live with or he lives with you, but together. My dad lives with us and we couldn't be happier that he is here with us. He is now 83 and will be 84 in January, and if it wasn't for his hip (fell and broke it last February and has not healed) he would still be out tearing up the town. We are hoping he can get it replaced real soon as they are prepping him for surgery in the next 2-3 weeks. So with all that said keep up the good work taking care of pops and best wishes in his speedy recovery. Just remember that you being there for him is the best thing in the world for both of you.
God Bless

Bud, I know exactly how you feel. Lost my Dad 15+ years ago and still think of him every day. When he got sick, I and my siblings felt so damned helpless. It taught me a valuable lesson. We have no control over the important things, only the b.s of every day life. Our lives are all in the hands of the big man upstairs. Glad to hear he's doing better. You have a lot of positive energy and prayers from all your friends here on FBBO. I'm a big believer in that. Hope Pops is home soon.- Abe

so many great people here... thanks to everyone.... the worst part is waiting for results & not knowing !! I feel helpless & I'm usually not that type of person, I'm a very controlled, regimented or structured person, I like to be well informed on everything & this stuff is out of my realm, by far... I have a great family structure too, but my Pops has asked me not to call all of them yet, he's really independent, has been for a long time too... I think it's just doesn't want to worry them & I want to be a good son, follow his wishes, but I did call my girlfriend Honey {she know some medical stuff/ helps me with what it all means} & one of my older sisters, I have 5 sisters & 2 bros. {she went thru this with my mother, who lived very close to her, before we lost her 10 or so years ago now} I hope Pops isn't too pissed, I'm sure he will get over it too, but I had to talk to someone... thanks everyone again for all your well wishes & prayers
From one Concord boy to another, Prayers and good wishes to pops and you!
From one Concord boy to another, Prayers and good wishes to pops and you!

Thanks Meeps, you know I appreciate the well wishes & comments from another good ol' Concord boy...

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Budnicks, Your dad sounds as if he is just as a stubborn old work of art as my dad. It is great that you live with or he lives with you, but together. My dad lives with us and we couldn't be happier that he is here with us. He is now 83 and will be 84 in January, and if it wasn't for his hip (fell and broke it last February and has not healed) he would still be out tearing up the town. We are hoping he can get it replaced real soon as they are prepping him for surgery in the next 2-3 weeks. So with all that said keep up the good work taking care of pops and best wishes in his speedy recovery. Just remember that you being there for him is the best thing in the world for both of you.
God Bless


Thanks Ed, 68GTX440... He's a pain in the butt, but he's my pain in the butt, I would really miss him, I want him around for as long as I can, no matter how many times he Pisses me off... Gets on my nerves.. says stupid stuff to my girlfriend, when he's drunk etc... kind of selfish I guess, but you only have one Pops...

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Best wishes to you and Pops, Bud. Glad he's improved this afternoon and hope you guys can make up for the missed kickback time next weekend

you can't imagine my relief, when I saw him sitting up, breathing much better, thanks for the well wishes

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My prayers are with you and Pops, Buds. here's to a speedy recovery! :eek:ccasion14:

thanks Mario, I really appreciate it...

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I wish I could thank all of you individually, for each & every post, well wishes etc... Thanks to everyone, I will read most, if not all these to Pops when he comes home, hopefully Wed. afternoon now...
A lot of people would just keep it to themselves, thanks for sharing your troubles with us Budnicks so we know where you and your family are at. You have my prayers as well.
God made his generation tough!
It takes a lot to keep em down .hope all goes well
Budnicks, I missed this yesterday as I never logged on here. Sue and I will be Praying for your Dads health. I'm sure he's relieved to know that he has a great caring son to look after him. We're glad he is feeling better. You will always have friends and support on this site.
I wish I could thank all of you individually, for each & every post, well wishes etc... Thanks to everyone, I will read most, if not all these to Pops when he comes home, hopefully Wed. afternoon now...

Budnicks - I'm surprised that said that you didn't want to put your stuff out here in the first post, but isn't that what friends are for ? ? And as for you thanking each and every one of us - I don't think you realize just how many times you've already done that for each and every one of us here. With 12,000 posts - you're always on here with a kind "looks awesome" comment or a "keep up the great work" response - okay, there's the occasional calm it down guys when the words get a little "heated" . . . but I see and read a ton of your posts every where I look. You even click the "thanks" button on a bunch of posts ( including each and every one in this thread ! )

What I'm saying is that our show of support is in response to all of the show of support that you provide to this group each and every day - and I know that I appreciate it and I'm sure the rest of the group does too ( but I can't speak for all them ). This group is really amazing in not only it's knowledge base, each and every one providing their areas of expertise, but the support and motivation that each and every one of us provides to all of the rest of the group. I only wish I would have found this forum 5 years ago when I got my Belvedere - I'd have it on the road already. So to even think not to share your "troubles" with the group is a thought you never need to consider - just keep on doing what you're doing and we'll provide and show our support in return just as you do each and every day.

From another Concord boy ( yeah I'm on the other side of the country - but still in Concord too ) I'm glad to hear that your Pops is doing well - sounds like he was just a quart low and we all know how well engines work when they're a quart low. Glad the doctors got that squared away ! !

So if you're happy about something, sharing can only allow us to share in your happiness, when you're sad about something, we be there to show you our support and help you through the tough times, when your frisky . . . well sorry dude - you're on your own there ! ! ! Can't help you out with that my friend ! ! ! !

Thanks for being there and doing all that you do for this Fantastic group !
Bud, I pray the Lord will restore Pop's health and guide your family in the future!!! Thanks again for your friendship to me!!!!!!
bud,i join as well with everyone else here with all the best wishes for your dad and you, cherish your dad each and every day,i know you will be his rock and guiding light through anything that arises,god bless you both,i will send prayers up,so the blessings will come down for your family. the fbbo gang will support you anyway we can. thanks for sharing your situation with us.
Budnicks, Glad to read your pops is doing better, my prayers sent for continued healing Ben
Not alot most of us can do for you bro,except give you our support in these trying times. It's a bitch sitting there mind racing... Talk to those hot nurses and get one to give ole pops a nice sponge bath...and get one for yourself while you're at it.
sorry bud was going to post a nice photo of a nurse and when googling photo of a hot nurse it took me to photos of really hot nurses but I don't think I will post them as to this time I don't think I would get infraction this time but I would be with the dog I would gone period , so this is the best I could for you representational-image-of-nurses[1].jpg
Sorry about your Father Budnicks. I know we don't agree on politics, but this is way beyond politics. Your Father is way more important than anything political. Hope he continues to get better and gets home to you and the rest of your family soon.
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