A couple of oils as Widman suggested- he's in south America where it is more hot than cold
a better than average thread
lots of 75W-90s out there-including AMSOIL maybe for Desert South West?
The Chevron Delo mentioned above is 80w90
advanced EP design that is safer for brass components.
for automatics Widman says:
One other thing worth trying in any automatic transmission that you want to extend. A bottle of automatic transmission conditioner. It contained a mix of esters (diluted) that clean up discs and soften rings and seals. Seriously, I “fix” dozens of customer cars with a bottle of this stuff every month, even after transmission shops say they need rebuilding.
The synthetic ATF’s are much better, especially for today’s transmissions that operate between 75 and 85ºC. I carry two, one covers the ATF+4 and many of the others, while the other is an LV that covers the Dexron VI, Toyota WS, etc. What is not released to the public to formulate is for the new ZP 8 and 9 speed that Chrysler, Audi, BMW, and a whole bunch more are using these days. It is much thinner and has other different friction properties.
Those Dexron III fluids have a much higher initial grab than the ATF+4, verses a softer but firmer grip in the ATF+4.
They both end up with the same friction after the initial contact/grab, but the Dexron III is a rougher shift, harder on the discs.
perhaps why we get converter shudder with DEX III and the hot rod Allison guys think Dex III is "better"