Gold is not tied to the Dollar anymore. Gold goes up and down slowly.
If you have alot of years to just forget about it, you're not "investing",
you're lazy. Yes, when Gold was $300.00/ounce it was a no brainer to
buy it up, but you had to wait so many years for it to make you any
Moola. Get a financial advisor to sit down with you and you can discuss
your age, amount of monies you have to invest, and your time frame.
Everyone is different, but Gold right now is nearing the top of it's historical
highs. If you are 60 or older, you need to own Dividend stocks like AT&T
that pays you $0.52/share per quarter so you have an income stream. If
you are younger, this same stock could buy you more shares of stock every
quarter until you are retirement age. For me, Gold is a gamble. Good luck!