I have heard some really strange stuff in the woods,
I can't be sure what I've seen, some really weird stuff I've heard too...
With thousands of reports every year & numerous strange videos & photos
{usually fuzzy/blurred thou}
but never a body, makes you wonder...
Not sure it's not possible, but would be pretty damn cool, to being proved real...LOL
They've been part of Indian folklore, tales or stories, for thousands of years...
Not just in America, but all around the world...
Thousands of people have claimed, filmed & photographed or recorded,
to have seen/heard something they couldn't identify, a bipedal or hominid type ape like creature
that wasn't a bear, deer, wolf, mountain lion, moose, muskox, bison etc., that walked on 2 feet upright...
Strange sightings, who knows how many are people like Bruzilla messing/hoaxing with people...
I'd suspect far more are a prank of some kind, but have an open mind, I know I've heard &
I've seen a few strange things, that I couldn't identify as any species I knew, for sure...
That doesn't mean I believe in Sasquatch {except the WH kind...LOL}, but anything is possible...
The Silverback Mountain Gorilla went undetected for thousands of years,
even in modern times until the 1970's...
Cryptozoology is a strange field...
Some weird things have been found, that were allegedly extinct long ago...
I do like Finding Bigfoot show, I laugh allot...
I think some of the comments are really stupid, the calls are a little strange too,
Rene {spelling?} is a weird & rude lady too, people believe what they want to believe...
I'm of the thinking I need to see a body, or someone I know & trust say they have photos etc...
I know a few people that have claimed to have seen some really strange stuff,
it doesn't mean it's a BigFoot thou either, it could be some defect or other anomaly of nature...
I thought I saw something that we {me a friend John} couldn't identify,
while driving down a mountain road in the middle of nowhere, here in the Sierras,
{it turned out to be a pile of truck tires stacked up & a tree limbs behind just in the right place},
it was really late at night with bad lighting & pitch black dark,
it was in bear country & your mind will play tricks on you too...
We were both armed to the hilt too...LOL
We saw it the next morning, it was kind of close to our campsite & just laughed...
We both saw what we thought was either the biggest Black bear ever in Calif.
with it's arms or forelegs spread out or a Bigfoot, we said to each other, then just laughed...
But we didn't stick around that night very long either...
Cool to wish thou, something's we will never probably know about, that do actually exist too...
Million of people throughout history can't all be wrong, drunk, on mushrooms or on peyote...LOL
There's many names for the so called creature, in many cultures too....