"I sense a disturbance in the force"
View attachment 565299
Not saying the AFHA (aluminum foil hoarder association) by any means are correct, but there's this dude up the mountain building a really big boat.
View attachment 565301
"I sense a disturbance in the force"
View attachment 565299
Not saying the AFHA (aluminum foil hoarder association) by any means are correct, but there's this dude up the mountain building a really big boat.
View attachment 565301
Not for nothing but the lower section of FL. Can go to! If you pull up that red and blue map a year ago on election night you can see the area I'm talking about ! It's seriously little cuba down there everyone is freaking illegal and non work ! I have family in CA and I know a few members out there that I'd prefer to keep around so if you own a mopar please get in it and drive get out of there ! When we start sinking states please let me know I wanna do the FL tip myself . Hell if the whole thing has to go no great loss I'll move it's full of non driving old people. Every state sends then non driving elders to FL. To die so they continue to drive well past there limit and try to take as many of us decent drivers with them! My car insurance went up again due to the surrounding area a lot of bad drivers so I got to pay more!
Oh back to ca ! Bye Calli!
Hmmm...that depends....on whether the continental shelf snaps back out into the ocean in a giant pressure/tension release. if it did then the land would rise up, and slam down and out to sea...I read about it last year...
In-N-Out burgers and the Speed Shops.What's the draw?
That's cool. As long as we're talking fiction, we then would float out into the Pacific, become another Hawaii, only bigger and with more beaches and then could charge all the rest of you exorbitant prices to come and visit. Oh, wait...you already come in droves to visit the Golden State. Why is that? Couldn't be just all the liberals, gays and left wing actors you come to see. What's the draw?
Not sure who goes there I sure have no want to . I have no want to go to Hawaii ether though!
Don't forget hundreds of miles of great surfing beaches, golden sand, the home of the original tourist attractions, easy access to playgrounds such as the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam & Vegas, Drag strips galore (some retired) Hot Rod heaven, Car museums, lots of rust free cars to build and buy, hardly any rain to worry about and yet you can go skiing in the mountains, as well as being home to a good-sized percentage of our membership here at FBBO. .....the list goes on.Fantastic weather, beautiful women, lots of "car people", beautiful natural sites to see...Sierra Madre, Death Valley (I like deserts), Boron, San Diego. Unfortunately, I never made it to northern California.
Yeah and PA is paradise..... talk about pollution. Three Mile Island - paradise for all to enjoy for thousands of years to come...... but I hear the people are friendly..... yeah right...
Don't get to excited, annoyed its just another mindless thread that serves little to no useful purpose.Yeah and PA is paradise..... talk about pollution. Three Mile Island - paradise for all to enjoy for thousands of years to come...... but I hear the people are friendly..... yeah right...
That is being shut down in 2019. Yes they did have an accident 40 plus years ago....I remember you could even see to land in Los Angeles smog years back What I mentioned is ALL APPLICABLE TODAY!!! That's right now(current) and you can't dispute ONE that I mentioned!! I forgot mention Your CURRENT Pollution So Thanks for that....
The American Lung Assn. says Los Angeles again topped a list of cities with the worst smog in the nation. Los Angeles has again topped a list of the cities with the worst smog in the nation, violating federal health standards for ozone an average of 122 days a year.
I can dispute at least one thing without even thinking about it - PA is a joke in every respect by comparison. Sorry for your plight and be careful of falling glass......