Good idea about using carbon fiber with the bronze tip.I just looked at the ARP website and it states that their Chevy fuel pump pushrods are not for use with roller cams, as they do not offer bronze tipped fuel pushrods. The other issue I have already seen is most of them are made from a thin wall tubing with the one end welded shut and the other end they pressed a bronze tip in. Since the Mopar rod is smaller on both ends it would cut away all of the wall thickness or make the tubing to thin for a reliable service. So looks like you can forget trying to cut a Chevy part down.
The hot set up would be to use a hollow carbon fiber tube cut to size and then turn a piece for the one end from 4140 PH (Pre Hard) rod. Then turn the piece for the other end from Bronze and epoxy the end pieces into the tube. This would be the ultimate pushrod, or the tube could just be made from 4140 thick wall tubing. However if I wanted one for myself the carbon fiber tube would be the direction I would pursue.