Well-Known Member
Once I put on a new front crank pulley, and a couple bolts were too long. They were hitting the timing chain cover and making noise. Shorter bolts fixed it. Any updates?
Pretty common for a oil pump to have wear marks on the gears. Really depends on the clearances, and how much trash goes through it. Good chance your pump is still good, but one thing I always do, even on a new pump, is take it completely apart, check every clearance to make sure their right, and I polish the gear/ housing surfaces to my liking. That just insures good, free operation on the pump. Put a good eye on the relief valve/spring, too!
That oil pump is the life of your motor.
One last thought on that, since you've got it down that far, get a set of galley brushes, and make sure all your oil galleys are clean.
Seeing the new pics of your crank. Are you saying the crank journal is out-of-round? Or the crank itself?
Sure, polishing ALL the crank journals can be done, and help. Could even help straighten out a out-of-round journal, some. Depends on who's doing the polishing.
Have you been able to check if the journals are straight?
If the crank itself is bent...different story.
Any idea what kind of clearances you had...or will have?
Great hearing your getting those things found. Last...sounds...make sure you've got end play on all parts and pieces. Still think something was binding.