Well-Known Member
I ordered a dipstick from Mancini that was supposed to be for a 440 with headers.It was a dissappointment.Tony at Mancini said it fits his car.Maybe the Schumaker mounts are the reason.It's amazing that TTI can never help with anything.Your'e on your own when it comes to wires or looms .dipsticks or anything else.I thuoght they would know something because they only do Mopars but so far the headers have been a struggle-try and put the wires on a powermaster mini starter and it's time for me to take up drinking again.Enough venting.Has anyone used the Milodin flexible engine dipstick.I can say the trans. dipstick is another piece of crap that doesn't fit unless you grind out your trans case.Any body want one.Thanks for listening