Yes if you read the newspaper headlines from 50-100 years ago they are similar: unrest in the world, taxes are up, lack of respect from the kids etc. The Temptations " Ball of Confusion" could be written about today, but it was over 50 years ago.
HOWEVER, I think the level of these issues is dramatically different today. 100 years ago a child muttering something under their breath when they were being told off was the height of disrespect. Nowadays the kids tell the teachers or police to F-Off to their face...and face no consequences.
Each generation seems to push the boundaries downwards.
I believe that it's worse today than in the past. Yes, the internet and media makes it seem worse, funnelling the bad news from around the globe into one handy 24 hour rolling update, but the more we move away from the family unit with good solid values then the deeper we sink into the cesspit.