I'm still not real clear on this subject. If there are two different lifters with different pushrod seat heights - then there must be two different length pushrods also (or different rocker arms). Yet, in reading up on the subject there seems to only be one length pushrod available (stock anyway). Checking pushrod length is relatively simple compared to checking lifters. If there is a shorter pushrod and that turns out to be what is in my car now - I would probably install longer ones just to see if it solved my problem.
From my Melling catalog:
66-78 440 Chry
66-67 Hyd JB-812 Lifter and MPR-151 Push Rod
68-78 Hyd JB-976 Lifter and MPR-323 Push Rod
Push Rod Specs:
MPR-151: 9.375" long, 5/16" dia, rounded top and tit(cone) bottom
MPR-323: 9.315" long, 5/16" dia, ball top and ball bottom