Reminds me of one of those questions I always have for folks who participate in our hobby:
- There are those who form personal affinities for their cars, "attachments" if you will - and
some for readily apparent reasons, whether personal history with a given car or what have you...
but there's almost an irrational fondness there, much like an emotional attachment.
- Then there are those who see the cars at face value - they're machines, nothing more, albeit
attractive machines - to be bought, sold, traded, collected and perhaps even driven in the manner
in which they were intended, guilt-free.
This type doesn't form personal attachments to the cars - which means they can horse trade a lot
easier, too.
(Obviously, I'm one of the former types, rather than the couldn't pry Fred away from me
with a crowbar, for example.)
Now, the question (and maybe I should have started another thread for this; apologies):
Do you suppose one type of hobbyist gets more personal satisfaction out of the hobby than the other?
Is one type of owner somehow more "valid" than the other in the eyes of fellow enthusiasts?
Or (as I've come to a preliminary conclusion)...does it boil down to simply the personality type of
each individual?
I don't think there's a "right" answer, understand...