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My confrontation with severe vertigo

A FWIW, if one of those chairlift or gondola cables ever snapped, most would have a relatively smooth landing except for the few on either side of the break.
I rode that thing in the 80’s.

Kim Novak was the best part of Vertigo though.
I’d guess everyone has something that riles up their anxiety; another is stage freight. This didn’t sit well with me as I didn’t really know I had an issue with it until into my career after a few promotions where I had to do friggin endless public speaking/training. Didn’t matter how damn often I had to do it, still always some butterflies before the start. The roughest were delivering eulogy’s I could have easily backed out of, but just had to say gotta do it for the people I loved that taught me a lot who passed on. Never mattered after the hundreds of speaking occasions I had to do, in front of thousands of people over the years, there’s that old gut-sinking feeling until a couple minutes after I was on. I’ve read about famous people, actors, politicians and such having it saying doesn’t go away, ya just find your way to manage it as I did. Well, so many people have something they are averse to, guess it’s how we’re wired or coupled with life experiences.
This all sounds like Panic Attacks not Vertigo?
My wife had a bought with vertigo, diagnosed as such - sick as hell though she was always very fearful of heights two different things perhaps; but maybe not so much.
You have it backwards. It's not the height to be afraid of. It's the ground.
The joke is that it isn't the FALL that kills you, it is the sudden STOP at the end that does.
You nailed that KD, Sorry you have to deal with it Ed your a trooper ! I can’t imagine because it’s out of your control your just along for the ride.

No vertigo or fear of heights for me, but one of my family members has both really bad. It's horrible.
You nailed that KD, Sorry you have to deal with it Ed your a trooper ! I can’t imagine because it’s out of your control your just along for the ride.
Eh, battled a LOT worse...
With this, it's simple enough to avoid. Wish I could have said that with the half dozen cancers and all that crap...
I never had any fear of heights until the last couple of years. I hate "scenic overlooks" and tall buildings. I am 67 now so I don't know if some part of my brain has died off or is just finally developing.
Heights and confined spaces have never been a problem and I like to fly. Freefall for get it. Guess that is why jumping out of perfectly good aircraft just sounds stupid. The wife just being in a confined space or on an elevator drives her crazy and has to hang on to the handrail every time. Not sure I could get her on a plane.
A year ago March I suffered a severe concussion from a fall. When I woke up I was in an ambulance but then was out again. The next time I remember anything was in the emergency room. My wife was there and the doctor was asking me if I smoked. I’m going to condense this. I didn’t stay, they wanted me to be admitted. My head was a little sore but otherwise I was good. The next day I had vertigo so bad, I couldn’t move my head without the world turning inside out. I was out of commission just about a month from the concussion and the severe whiplash they never even X-rayed for. Never felt anything like it. I learned to deal with it and it slowly dissipated after much therapy and chiropractic work after a year. It started to return about 3 months ago so I get my crack attacks once a week again. I’ve had 6 concussions from various incidents through the years, this was a first as far as vertigo. No fear of heights problems still. I have to say, vertigo is not a good thing to have in anyway! I’m just getting my taste and smell senses back from the incident. I can’t imagine living with it all the time, my thoughts are with you sir!
It would appear to me, you are discussing more, a fear of heights, than you are actual vertigo.
I have had it for over ten years. I definitely feel you pain. Any one that has not had it the only way I can describe it closely is it is like being very drunk on a roller coaster. Heights just multiplies its effects. Hell I never had a issue with heights, now I cannot even go up a ladder a few steps. Sucks.
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