Well-Known Member
Sounds like he will pull through and my thoughts are with you...Marla
hope all will be well.......
Sorry to hear about Sir Budnicks snake encounter. Hope he feels better soon. Here's a pic of my buddy Gunner. He goes just about everywhere with me , and he's a great hunting companion.
I have a chocolate Lab also. I'll tell ya what will make him feel better.
Just about any kind of lunchmeat
Ice Cream (Vanilla)
Ground Beef
Mash Potatoes and Gravy
Spaghetti of any kind
Just about any kind of soup
Beef Stew
Seriously, I really hope he's ok.
Oh man, sorry to hear about 'ol Budnicks. I really hope he pulls out of this OK. Labs are great dogs and I'm sure this guy is as good as they come.
Glad to hear that he is doing better.