Not into girls in the least, the best advice I have for you is to stop looking. She will find you, usually when you least expect it and often in the most unlikely place.
Common interests will entice you and give you a great foundation to build on whether it's cars, swap meets, thrift stores, concerts, church, outdoor adventures or whatever you're into. It also provides an opportunity for personal growth since no two people have exactly the same background, education, or life experiences and each can bring those spicy bits to a relationship.
Though change is inevitable in all things and our personalities and interests morph a lot as we get older, NEVER put on airs, lie or pretend to be someone you aren't ... because it will always come back to bite you on the *** in one way or another.
Honest and open communication at the outset will assure you are both informed -- even if disagreements happen (and they will!) -- and know where the other stands on every issue minor to major.
Don't embarrass her in public or in private. If you find yourself ready to say something you may regret later, hold your tongue and instead think how it would make you react if she said it to you first.
These days most partners both work. Try to have and keep your own money and allow / encourage her to do the same. Split the bills, if not 50-50 then by a percentage relative to each of your incomes. You will never have to argue over that new fuel pump or her endless spa days if you each fund your own hobbies. Joint bank accounts are great ... until one decides it's time to split and cleans out the account. The bank will be unsympathetic to your plight if both names are on that signature card. This will also help establish credit ratings good or bad; if she's always broke when you met her, she will always be broke after she's married too. Except you will both be broke since she has access to your income now too.
Women remember EVERYTHING and will rarely hesitate to bring up the time(s) you really screwed up. They will do it when you're down, when you had a great day, and even when you're out in the garage enjoying beers with your buddies if you really pissed her off.
Some are schemers who will be The Perfect Mate for months or years and then rock your world by announcing they've been unhappy, unfulfilled, taken for granted or unappreciated forever and are moving out next week. You might get home from work to discover an empty house with no warning whatsoever. "What kind of sick bitch takes THE ICE CUBE TRAYS???" We do. And the light bulbs and curtain rods too. Don't give her a reason to be unhappy because she will never forget it.
Working for divorce lawyers showed me that men are usually shocked when the papers are served while women view taking half of your stuff as JUSTIFICATION for all the so-called "injustices" they endured during the marriage. 'Well, he cheated on me so I get to keep his car and the house and am going to quit my job and make him pay me alimony for as long as I can get it' kind of thing. If she thinks your support was inadequate before, that gives her all the more reason to believe in her heart that she's entitled to make your life miserable. It's unexplainable to me -- I think like a guy lol (truly!) -- but can say when I left John in 2003 I only took my stuff ... not half of his too.
Above all, treat her with respect. Listen when she talks, even if it's something you couldn't care less about, and support her endeavors morally even if not financially. If you do, she will literally fight the world at your side and slay anyone who threatens you, your security or your happy home with a good heart. You spent a lot of time cultivating her love and trust, and it will be evident to see the results of your devotion when it gets tested.