Paint update! It's REALLY red! It's the same paint code and I opened the old can that the previous owner supplied to check, and they were quite close, but wow it will be interesting to see what it looks like when I unmask and see them side by side. I'm not worried about the color, I just hope I followed the right steps and it sticks around a while.
Earlier this week I sprayed 2 coats of sealer/surfacer and this morning wet sanded with 600 and degreased.
The paint guy was really nice and we ended up deciding on Omni. It was well under half the cost of the regular Deltron. I know it's not apples to apples, but I felt good about the decision. He said it would be really thin, and it was, but it seemed to work well with my gun, so I have no complaints. I'm sure any errors are operator-supplied. ;)
I did one light coat and then 2 'medium' coats. I don't know what I'm doing, but they felt medium to me. Overall I'm happy with the outcome. On my 2nd coat I did get some runs on the driver's inner fender near the battery. Hopefully I can correct it, but even if I can't I think it will be hidden by the battery. Not really sure what I did, but maybe I overdid it near that recessed channel and it held too much paint. I'm right handed, and trying to paint in that front driver's corner was tricky.
I also got some small fish eyes on the pass. fender, but I think they will be hidden by the horns.
So far it looks good, definitely far better than I thought I would be able to do. I'll get some better pics when I unmask it and can get some more light on it. These pics were taken about 30 mins after I finished spraying.
Runs. Hard to see in this pic, but there's about 6 of them.