Do you still have your old carb? Is the new 750 dp manual secondaries?
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I ask because back when ...... I listen too what I was told with a build(top end). Not knowing I put on a 650 DP DF Manual sec. Which was too much fuel with stock converter off the line.If you still have your old carb bolt it up and see what you get. Won't cost you anything, maybe a gasket.
Do you still have your old carb? Is the new 750 dp manual secondaries?
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I ask because back when ...... I listen too what I was told with a build(top end). Not knowing I put on a 650 DP DF Manual sec. Which was too much fuel with stock converter off the line.If you still have your old carb bolt it up and see what you get. Won't cost you anything, maybe a gasket.
The MSD won't hurt, I wonder about the cam . Might not be what you want for your app. I don't like the low vacuum ,Have you put a vacuum guage on it ? Whats the pull? I would start there. You can throw alot of money at it
. The cam had been set to +4 degrees, when I swapped the chain I put it back to 0..
I like gauges that are NOT made in China There's a lot of info on the net about how to use a degree wheel. Many folks will say you don't really need one.....and so long as the cam is ground like it's supposed to be, and the sprocket key ways are where they are supposed to be and the alignment pin on the cam is where it's supposed to don't really need to use a degree wheel but after 30+ years as a machinist, I've learned that nothing is perfect and when you have as many machine operations involved in producing a cam and it's associated parts, the margin for error can be quite high. I know many who have engines that didn't run well after assembly and they chased their tails trying to find out why by changing things like converters, gearing and a number of other fairly expensive parts. I always used a degree wheel on a new build no matter if it's stock.I'll buy a gauge and check. Any specific ones you recommend?
Also, I'm sure how to exactly use a degree wheel? Will a comp cam degree wheel come with directions?
I'll buy a gauge and check. Any specific ones you recommend?
Also, I'm sure how to exactly use a degree wheel? Will a comp cam degree wheel come with directions?
How do you know the compression is 8.5-1? Did you CC the heads and measure deck clearance? I would bet not if you don't understand degreeing a cam and don't own a compression gauge. Lots to learn here. Go slowly. You need to get good data for diagnosis or the results are worthless. The best you can do now is compression test it. My bet is 125 psi or less. Advancing the cam may help. But if you didn't degree it you have no idea if it is advanced, retarded or straight up. There's a great deal to learn from the results of this build. The bottom line is a big cam, low compression ratio, big carb, tight converter, high rear axle ratio won't be very quick. None of it matches up well. It can be band aided and get better. Step by step.