Well-Known Member
I rattled a lash cap off at 8000rpm when the u-joint broke as 2nd gear hit. Valve hit the piston. It took out a rod bearing. Nitrous on this particular combo is going to be like that on every pass. Carnage is highly likely.
my last stick go around. Sheered the teeth off second gear. I had a 7200 chip in the MSD and the tell tale still ended up on7800. It would have been bad had I left my right foot planted all the way through the gear change. Luckily the trans and the Detroit Locker (Figured that out later) were the only things I broke that outing. That was 700hp @ 3800#s and a soft loc. Gotta have a hoist, trans jack, a lot of time/motivation, and some extra coin to party with the clutch pedal on a big motor. Add nitrous and holy chit!! The guys who make fast repeatable passes in a 9-10 sec stick cars are good mechanics and spend a ton of time working on their combos to get them sorted out. And there’s always trial and error, broken parts, and lots of money spent to get there.

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