So @pnora was correct back on page 1.Not sure I want to get involved in this fray, but the OP did not specify whether the racing fuel was leaded or not.
Back in the day, when I actually worked for Suncor (Canadian Sunoco), we did all of the different blends with pump unleaded, av gas and race gas. All were verified in the Waukeshaw knock engines in the lab. If the race fuel in question is unleaded, the straight ratio math formula can be used. If it is leaded race fuel, it is not that simple.
Published you say? Got a link?It's been well known that adding lead increases octane. It was a popular trick in the 1970s, with published tests showing the improvements, to mix unleaded and leaded gas. A 50/50 mix of regular leaded and regular unleaded resulted in higher octane than either on their own, due to the 'kick' of the lead being added to the unleaded. It was not logarithmic; the unleaded gained more octane than the leaded would than either on their own would
So just go away then, if you have nothing of worth to share.All this discussion (crap), is worthless to me. I'm just doing what works for my cars. You have beat this horse to death.