Well-Known Member
I tell people that all the time.
Every combo is different.
And this one is certainly that.......1050 made 3hp more than his 950, which is a surprise considering it made 10>15hp less than with an 850. I wasn't there@the dyno time so don't know about afr or anything much only what I can get out of my mate who is not really a racer at heart tbh and not forthcoming with the info I really need to make good decisions, he's more a laid back old man like I seem to be these days.

We will start with his 950 to get a base for sure as its the only way to do it, my info is limited unfortunately, I advised my mate to get a verter made for his car/combo but he said the guy@the shop has 1 that he thinks will work, well I trust him to a point as he is a mopar racer and does well etc., but?...I don't really like the way all this is going as it just makes my job helping that much harder, I don't even know the cam or the lash specs on it!!....I have the desire to get things as good as we can with what we have, I'm not sure he has quite so much of it. At the end of the day all we can do is run it, and I'll try and get as much info on shift points/converter flash trap rpm etc. etc. and all the rest as I can get from him and keep notes and see if I can sort it to go rounds.
I appreciate your input.
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