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What the **** over......
What the **** over......
What the ****?...........over(mikro click)
So and so won't be down for breakfast
!. There is no such word as "irregardless".
Yes, if people keep using it, it will become accepted.
But it is not a word.
Holy crap...I am SO tired of every forgotten car being referred to as a BARN find.
I bought the car new off the showroom floor.
How is it that every car that people talk about was not in the back lot, not in a storage yard but on the dealers showroom floor?
'Know what I'm sayin?
Uh, no. You haven't said anything yet.
THATs what I'm talking about.
Uhhh... you haven't talked about anything yet.
...And ****. I was talking to my friend and ****, He was rebuilding his carburetor and ****. I asked what his plans were for later on. He said he was going to go to the store and ****.
Remember my license plate issue? I got refused on pc bs. Man did I have fun blasting
DMV. I read the riot act to this **** on the phone, deny me to refer to my past. CIA LSD is a large part of my past, i was THERE! And no witty assed or derogatory come back to this, no argument will change the FACT that I WAS THERE. So i dont care WHO it is that tells me i can or cant say something, COPS, intelligence agencies etc, i state how rhe **** i feel and see ****. Yes, the Guy's tone dripped in sarcasm, but His responses just, i see, yes, oh really and so on.......it was refreshing to have somebody that didn't shut their logic centers down because of words & attitudes, i ******* hate it when people refuse to absorb CONTEXT because of some ugly words......that is SO ******* WEAK! Might be some time before i can ever register a car again, ok, i dont have a license anyway!...Off the Hook.......why d,d,don't we do it in the road.....well well well, she looked so beautiful i could eat her...well well well.......we all shine on.......
Who asked me? Nobody. I was making a statement on my own. Currently, the thread is closing in on 1500 views in less than 24 hours so someone is watching.
I guess you are feeling embarrassed. Maybe that explains the hostility, as if I wrote this to attack you personally. The fact is, there are countless phrases that annoy people and your posts in this thread had several of them whether intentional or accidental. You have posted here 36 times in almost 3 years. I have never heard of you before. I wasn't directing this topic at any one individual. My observances are gathered from many places, not just from the car forums.
Out of style, outdated? Care to explain? What is IN style? A shaved head with tattoos and piercings? Is that what is "cool" by your standards? Should I don a Cowboy hat and grow a goatee to make you happy? Should I pack my cheek with chaw as well? Sorry, that isn't my style, There are enough people that look that way.
I have a long commute and sometimes listen to talk radio. People call in from all over the country with these phrases.
* Hashtag
* I aint tryin to hear that.
* Git er dunn
* Haters gonna hate.
Nah, not yet. I don't get that one so much.
How about "The Cubs Suck and They Always Will"?
Sick of that one yet?
Put the bong down and go to bed Blade.
Aw, c'mon, im having too much fun dad.....i am celebrating after all.......wink!
****, i get an f off almost everyday! I always tell everybody; you're not the first one to call me asshole and you're sure as hell not the last one to call me asshole.
And yeah, f%^k the slubs...they will always be losers (sorry tuck and jon)
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so how bout piss on the tigers???
like that one????
You got it. Another phrase lolFixed it for you Cranky.
- - - Updated - - -
For over 20 years I listened to this guy come into work and first thing out of his mouth when he came into the shop was 'what the ****, over' but he said it without using the comma?????
It's kinda like tuning out 3 large dogs barking incessantly at 5am. When I had that problem people would tell me to just tune them out. How do you do that when they are waking you up!!?? I live kinda close to an old AFB but it's still used somewhat by military aircraft and my wife claims to be able to tune them out. How do you tune out 100+ db? Well, maybe she's on to something as she seems to have a handle on tuning me out...until she wants to spend money.Hey Blade, hope you didn't take any offense to this thread!
I know there are people here and elsewhere that march to a different beat. **** yeah, the world NEEDS people that color outside the lines every so often. This thread wasn't directed at original people, individualists, pioneers, the witty or the wise. It was just meant to ask for some relief from OVERused phrases that do nothing to promote a persons intelligence.
I like to listen to Sirius radio, sometimes the comedy channels. I find "Larry the Cable Guy" entertaining sometimes but I immediately switch channels when he says "Git er dunn".
I will probably end up breaking the stereo knobs with all the stupid stuff I hear. I wish that I had the ability to tune stuff out. Maybe that is a trait that comes with age? How old do I have to be to NOT give a crap anymore ??
Nah, not yet. I don't get that one so much.
How about "The Cubs Suck and They Always Will"?
Sick of that one yet?