My car doesn't have a 'dizzy', a 'tranny' or 'eddy' - it does have a distributor and a transmission and edelbrock heads....
'Outside the box' - what box?
'Raise the bar' - what bar and how high is it now? What is supporting it?
'That's what I'm talking about' - hmmm, haven't heard a word from you about this before you said that...
'Big box store' - I've been in there many times and never found the aisle where the big boxes are for sale.
'Agree to disagree' - that usually takes two parties to agree to something, yet these two disagree, so the 1st party doesn't want to change or listen or learn from what the 2nd party says - 2nd party is wasting their time continuing the conversation.
If Jimmy cracked corn and no one cared, then why did someone else write a song about it?
Why are pirates called 'Swashbucklers?' - Was that part of their job - going around buckling swashes? Which brings to question what's a swash? Why do they become unbuckled?
Let me axe you a question - you like mustard on your sammich?
I'm goin' to hop in da ride and slide on down to da crib afta the gig, you dig, mo'fo'?
****, just sayin' bro. Homie goin' to do dat. Chill man, jerk on that one time.
What I really think is sad, especially from the various MOPAR forum members is the misspelling and bad grammar, all the while making fun of the Chevy and Ford people out there. Same thing applies to those other forums as well - you post a good hearted jab at someone for their car choices, yet, can't spell your rhetoric correctly and use the wrong words - really looks intelligent.... (off the soapbox now).
I know I'll take heat for that but seriously dude, I'm just sayin'..... ROFL
Let's not forget - everyone's (at least the guys' favorite phrase)....