3 more I hope go away soon
“I’m so exited for you!”
“ Of course!”
“ No worries!”
“I’m so exited for you!”
“ Of course!”
“ No worries!”
A good one like that is in South Carolina, my family are there. It goes like this, if the person wants something you have in your hand they’ll say “let me hold that”. Confused me for a bit.The way language changes, it often is a deviation from what is proper. Too often, it gains momentum and becomes common.
Hey Joe, you want a sandwich ?
No, I'm good.
You are? You're good at what? Resisting hunger? Telling someone that you're GOOD used to be bragging, now we are to just accept that it is a replacement for No Thank You ?
'Drop' is the perfect example of this. I had no clue what people were going on about saying this will drop tomorrow, that made a stir when it dropped. Dropped from where? Did it break? Anyone injured? Lol irritating at best.The way language changes, it often is a deviation from what is proper. Too often, it gains momentum and becomes common.
Hey Joe, you want a sandwich ?
No, I'm good.
You are? You're good at what? Resisting hunger? Telling someone that you're GOOD used to be bragging, now we are to just accept that it is a replacement for No Thank You ?
Not for nothin' .Has anyone mentioned the phrase Not for nothin' ?
Holy crap that is an ignorant sounding phrase.
Old news here. Nowadays, it's "thank you", "of course".Not for nothin' .but I don't know if I've mentioned this one before: You say "thank you" to someone and they reply "No problem" . What's that supposed to mean ? I'm NOT welcome, but it didn't get to the point of being a problem for you ?
Don't want to sound like I'm on crack , but maybe it's of course you're welcome.Old news here. Nowadays, it's "thank you", "of course".
"Of course"?? What the hell does that mean?
I agree, it helps one detect who the real con men are, since they are only words.Some people see no problem with speaking like a blunt ignorant cunt, and others choose to speak with class, tact and a filter.
My older buddy was a character, he’d go into anyplace sit down and say “fine and you?” and you’re welcome before they said anything. If he needed his coffee refilled he’d ask the waitress if she’s going to 7-11 (convenience store) he'd like some too. His girl friend would be in the truck with him, she would start messing with the heater controls, he would then say “you got your seatbelt on”.Old news here. Nowadays, it's "thank you", "of course".
"Of course"?? What the hell does that mean?
Also, one from our Northern brothers...It seems common for people to ask How are you? as a greeting without actually caring how the other person really is.
When asked that, I often take it literally. I'll tell them that I am lonely, I need a hug, (To big chested women, mostly) Hungry, I am well, I am recovering from brain surgery, all sorts of things.
I am blessed/cursed with a temperament that is very literal. When someone says that they held their breath for 5 minutes, I call them on it. When they say that they spent 20 minutes on hold, I doubt it. When someone takes a piss, I really hope that they didn't.
A similar thing to this is when someone wishes you “Have a nice day” as a way of trying to end an argument or confrontation. My response to this, if they are being weakly sarcastic or insincere is to simply say “Oh **** off.” End of argument.It seems common for people to ask How are you? as a greeting without actually caring how the other person really is.
When asked that, I often take it literally. I'll tell them that I am lonely, I need a hug, (To big chested women, mostly) Hungry, I am well, I am recovering from brain surgery, all sorts of things.
I am blessed/cursed with a temperament that is very literal. When someone says that they held their breath for 5 minutes, I call them on it. When they say that they spent 20 minutes on hold, I doubt it. When someone takes a piss, I really hope that they didn't.
I have a forgotten car that could be a barn find. It’s spent the last 30 years in 3 different garages. It’s spot for the last 4 years is a pole barn type shop.Holy crap...I am SO tired of every forgotten car being referred to as a BARN find.
I bought the car new off the showroom floor.
How is it that every car that people talk about was not in the back lot, not in a storage yard but on the dealers showroom floor?
Did something similar in 92....a buddy that was head of the fleet department at a Dodge dealership took me for a ride in a new V8 reg cab short box Dakota. He had four of them sitting in front of his separate office/show room and asked me which one I wanted. Uh, order me a black one lol. He did and I had lots of fun with it. Had the 5.2, automatic and 3.92 LSD in the back. Talk about a tire fryer!I have a forgotten car that could be a barn find. It’s spent the last 30 years in 3 different garages. It’s spot for the last 4 years is a pole barn type shop.
I’ve bought one vehicle off of the actual showroom floor, and one off of the sidewalk in front of the showroom door, so I’m counting that as 2.