Hey y’all been strategizing 4 first place 5 second places and 2 third places at shuffleboard infront of the military so pretty cool but I wanted to show y’all a close to heart song….
John cougar mellencamp cherry bomb reminds me of king fu fighting parody.
I realized along time ago to look at the positivity and not negativity during prevalent times-that was the alien cyber attack that made me this way when I tagged on Facebook supernatural picture that spread to the presidential election that eventually unfolded into the Russian scandal.
Back then I wouldn’t ever have done a song like this with this key because it’s a very upbeat song but I see this song as the song in my head of me and everyone getting **** done in probably fictional nothing gotten done ha-reverse engineering technology,getting more investigative time to fbi nsa cia and the military,figuring stuff out and attacking each other.
I lived on the outskirts of Memphis where a ufo burnmark was now.
Where the government was around after a cyber attack we were always talking. Had me a couple of real nice ideals for compensation for something I didn’t do. When I look back on those days all I can do is sit and think about ..
Thats when Cheyenne was cheyenne(the black site base where I believe I was on a monitor infront of hundreds like a Houston we have a problem lol).
And generals were generals.
And strategy meant everything.
We were humans and we were improving.
Figuring it out warring with each other.
The Domino meant something we thought.
Outside the house something non human was there.
our heart were thumbing at 1 when a ufo warp happened.
Just one time :Say yeah yeah yeah….
Cheyenne government employee: The winter days they last forever.
Government employee:the weekends went by to fast we were flying around looking for clues.
All sides were all nuts trying to understand.
Back to Me: One night me with my big mouth y’all had to put me in my place.
When I think of y’all singing with me today all I can do is stand and remember…
that day I grew and I grew…
And wondered and wondered..
and strategy became everything..
I was young and I was improving..
Outthinking outthinking the military.
In the house beginning as a amateur..
Heck we was all learning then…
Our hearts were really worried
So Yeah yeah yeah yeah…
So yeah yeah yeah yeah….
The other part fractured because I still haven’t felt the feeling years after the cyber attack…
All I have to say is I hope we haven’t done to much wrong…. Time will tell how I feel in years to come at this part below….
I believe at the part if we’ve done any wrong part happens I hope the government sings their part after(the Cheyenne government employee I hope that were forgiven) because we all were wrong somewhere by a heighten percentage of me guessing in the position iam in.