Old thread but still relevant info for the fool thinking about buying a car with no title.
Speaking of which, there's been lots of talk about finding a VIN, but none about getting a title.
I looked into buying a 75 Torino down here in FL that had no title. The owner said he had bought it without a title, and now had "too many projects", so he was selling. I went to the DMV and talked to them, and they explained that if I knew the state the car was last titled in, I was told it was NC, I would have to request the name and address of the last registered owner, contact the owner, and have the owner request a new title and send it to me. If I didn't know the state, I would have to start contacting all 50 until I found the state that held a title on that car.
The worst part is that assuming the owner is still alive, or if dead you can find their heir, that person still technically owns that car! So you can pay someone $2,000 for that car, and when you contact the last registered owner, they could say "I want $2,000 for the car" before getting you your title.
The owner had tried to sell me on the idea I could use an online title outfit to get a title for about $90, but those only work for getting you a replacement title if you are the owner, which was why the owner had never gotten one. He was hoping the Bigger Idiot theory would work out for him, and I didn't want to be his bigger idiot so I passed on the car.
Never buy a car with no title!