Well-Known Member
I was looking at their pullies too. I'm glad to hear they lined up. Quite a bit less dough then Mancini, Bouchillon etc and most likely made in the same place. I changed out the radiator on the 67 wagon this weekend and had a good look at mine. Both crank and wp are aluminum but I saw that the crank is 5.25" or so and the wp is 6.75" or so. Underdriven. Also the repop shroud I picked up for 67-9 with 26" radiator didn't match up with what I got. Then I remembered the shop owner listed out what all it fit and got a clue. It fits c bodies also. Aha! I guess with the manufactures supersessions over the years that they stopped posting the shroud needed to be for a c body. I made the other work for now so along with pullies, a correct shroud will be on the list. The new unit is way better than the massively undersized and boogered in radiator/shroud/fan I took out.