Well-Known Member
Wow thats nice, love it!!
68 chicken what is the decor package called looks great
Here's mine.
Was #matching 383cui.
Now has 528cuiRB with Modman 6bbl.
Thats a sharp looking color!one i found on enternet. it's what mine is suposta look like and will one day.
The color on the car is JJ1. The interior package is H4N. Has the normal Road Runner 360 decor package. Thanks for the kind words.
Just decided one day to be different in my own way, car will get a repaint one day but over all it will be some what unique.
ii think plymouth called it bahama yellow and dodge called it butterscotch. i've seen 3 on the internet only 1 other than mine.
to keep this thread going
here's a quick video i shot the other day with the new cam
and here's a pic with the new wheels
Thats a sharp looking color!
- - - Updated - - -
I need to ask a question, If your car is optioned to be this color, or any car color, if you for instance use the same color but, paint it with the newer type paint, like candy colors or BC/CC, does it hurt the points when your talking "original" that much, or possibly not at all?