I recently picked up a built mopar 408 stroker engine to drop into my 1973 Plymouth Satellite. The engine was purchased from a gentleman that said he had gone through the complete engine and that it was a running TurnKey motor. I installed the engine into the car and shortly after setting base timing and taking it on a very short 10 to 20 minute drive to the car wash I noticed smoke coming out of the driver's side tailpipe I cracked the hood of the car wash only to discover oil sprayed on the top of the hood and all over the driver side engine compartment the oil and smoke were coming out of the vented breather and the driver side valve cover and I noticed excessive Blow by at this time with the engine idling. I later found out that I had incorrectly hooked the PCV valve to a port on my Edelbrock LD 340 intake instead of the nipple on the front of the Edelbrock 750 carburetor. My father and I have troubleshooted everything that we can think of and we have since given it a compression test only to find out that cylinders 5 and 7 have low compression 60 and 90 PSI respectively. Immediately after removing all plugs and starting the cylinder compression test on cylinder one we were met with oil spurting out of cylinder 5 I would guess roughly a half a cup of oil came out. The gentleman that I purchased the engine from has mentioned that improper installation of the PCV hose to the Edelbrock LD 340 intake nipple may have caused hydrolock and broken rings on Pistons five and seven while my dad and I believe that a head gasket maybe the culprit as the engine may be pressurizing in the oil galley I'm having a hard time finding information about where the oil galley is and if there is anything close to cylinders five and seven they may be causing this issue or if there's a possible issue with an intake gasket leaking oil into the cylinder however that would not explain the low compression. After being told about the improper installation of the PCV system I corrected this and ran it several times since the issue did not go away but I would assume that any oil that had been pulled into the cylinder would have been evacuated also I think it's a good point to know that I am using the old style Mickey Thompson valve covers that have Shields above the PCV and the Breather so it is not like the PCV was directly immersed in oil so that it would fill up a cylinder to hydrolock it.. those are my thoughts at least... Please any help or ideas here would be appreciated thank you in advance for your time. Apologize for the long Post in advance just wanted to be thorough.
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