Here's something I put together to assist in decoding 1968 ONLY - VIN info and FENDER TAG information.
Is it 100% correct? Nothing is 100% especially when it comes to Mopars. I've done my best to make it as accurate as I can. If you find an error other than an opinion let me know. Maybe the Mods may find this good enough for a sticky.
The PDF file is 4 pages.
Edited for Frank by Mod on 9 June 2021.
Is it 100% correct? Nothing is 100% especially when it comes to Mopars. I've done my best to make it as accurate as I can. If you find an error other than an opinion let me know. Maybe the Mods may find this good enough for a sticky.
The PDF file is 4 pages.
Edited for Frank by Mod on 9 June 2021.
Last edited by a moderator: