Well-Known Member
OK...so I havent broke out the volt meter yet but was just trying some other suggestions. i ran a cable directly from battery to starter and it didnt seem to make any difference. car would crank sometimes and would just click other times. it also intermittently grind while cranking as if you were to let off the key and turn it right back on. I am doing all of this by jumping across the relay instead of getting in and out of the car a hundred times. i dont think that should make a difference. i am leaning toward going to summit and getting mini starter as suggested but just dont want to put it on and find out it is another problem. the corroded battery cable sure sounds like it could be an issue as others noted that it doesnt matter how old it is. i have tried wiggling the cables to see if i can get any reaction and there is no change.I had the exact same thing happen to me. Try to start and just get click. Got the meter out and 12V from switch to relay. 12V from relay to starter. 12v+ on battery. Replaced battery. No change. Replaced relay. No change. Replaced starter. No change. (Auto parts store said both tested bad.) Ran jumper cable from battery to starter. Started right up. Pos cable end looked perfect but new cable end solved problem. Cable was only a year old.