Well-Known Member
yes...i went over yesterday and calm but assertive told him i need it by this weekend, and if he needs my help i can come by after 3pm. when the carb blew the power valve, gas got into the oil. so we changed it 1x, then i picked up some Brad Penn swap oil again.That's good news... But I would still go over & see what he's doing & make your presense know... It may keep him motovated to finish, finally... Maybe you can learn something while your there watching...
He called me today..has the timing set, but it's still running lean. he thinks it's the gas, that it needs higher octane? If the timing is fully advanced, and new carb...what possible other options to it running lean?
could the 509 cam be screwing with it? apologize if that question is in "left field" just shows how novice I am to the mechanics of it.