Oh are you talking about now or back when I was younger. We won't even go into how many scrapes and bumps I got when I was a kid. Nothing was too dangerous for me then. 

Liked to climb trees as a kid and was still doing it well into my life cutting them. Then one day the thought came into my mind that I'm going to get schooled and get slammed to the ground one day. When I was in my mid 30's I could still walk on top of a newly framed building without any hesitance but forget that stuff now! My dad helped me build my shop (was 33 at the time) and he got up on top to get the ridge board set once all the walls were stood up and once that was done, he never got up there again. He was 63 at that point and once I hit that age, I knew why he didn't want to be up there anymore!When I was a kid on the farm, I fell out of the hay mow in our barn. My one leg snagged a nail on a beam on the way down, and got torn open pretty good. Then there was the sudden stop on the concrete floor. This pretty well ended my fascination with height and taught me respect for gravity. When I was on our local VFD, I was the guy on the ground running the pumper. The other guys played with ladders.
Played Army and getting up on roof tops and then getting shot and jumping off the roof and tumble over dead lol. Maybe that's why my knees are like they are today!?!!We used to do all of this on our BMX bikes as teenagers. We had a trucking company near by with dozens and dozens of semi trailers lined up. We used to like to ride across the top of them and jump from trailer to trailer. We also used to play bike tag on tops of buildings and jump from building to building as well. Apparently, just doing it on the ground was too boring for us. We used to build ramps, line up obstacles to jump, light them on fire, jump over the fire. Build 1/4 & 1/2 pipes etc. All witn no helmet, no pads, no cell phones, drank from anyone's garden hoses and we all lived..... lol. Then we upgraded to dirt bikes and quads. I think we invented Nitro Circus. We just never could afford to take it Pro....
...and people wonder why I still love track days on my motorcycle. 370 lbs wet....158hp at the rear wheel....hoo-boy, THAT is a rush!I like this one
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