Still working on her, just got preoccupied with the wife wanting the bedroom set refinished, thank goodness thats almost done.
A little more disassembled. The front tires will not come off the rotors, and I mean WILL NOT! I tried everything, pb blaster, torch, BFH, prybar...finally I just got fed up and took off the spindle with it all attached. I'm going to most likely replace everything attached to the rim anyway, so I will just keep the assemblies up in the attic to keep with the car.

I think Ive decided to go with a QAI K member to replace this beat up and horribly welded one. I like the fact its tubular and not TOO bad on the wallet. I was considering shipping mine off and having it gone through but that cost is almost as much as a QAI replacement.
Also you can see the lower radiator support is hacked almost beyond recognition. I seriously have no idea what the man who did this was thinking/doing. This is indicative of other repairs on the car, such as this...
Where the person welded on the bracket for a auto to manual swap. It looks like they took the torch and held it to the parts until it all just melded together. I'd love to hear some possible fixes for this. Possible options: replace the entire panel (I dont want to have to do this), buy a panel and patch it in (maybe), do my best with some sheet metal and get it looking as close as possible to original (maybe), make my own access panel (I like this the best)...
I also decided to take off the upper cowl and replace it with an AMD piece. I can patch the lower cowl if there is through rust, but the fresh air plenums have seen better days (from feel through from looking up from this inside), is there anyone who makes these aftermarket? I was considering patching what I could and taking down to bare metal and painting them to stop any further rust, since they will not be seen and its not a concourse car I can llive with them A LITTLE eaten up? Thoughts?
Thanks for checking this out and any advice in advance!
- - - Updated - - -
I do have a sandblaster set up I bought from Amazon, and I have a 12 cfm @ 90 and 60 gal air comp., I also just ordered a breathcool 2 so I plan on doing the blasting jobs myself in sections, with the breathcool I can also spray 2 pack primer and eventually paint.
Speaking of paint, Ive been thinking of going with matte black. The bodywork on this car will not be perfect, and I plan on driving the heck out of it, so I dont plan on sinking my savings and years into making it perfect, so I wanted a simple, one application paint. I then wont have to worry about clear, sanding, buffing ect... and I like the flat look too. And I like the fact that I wont have paid someone to do it....Thoughts?