While I completely agree that what the OP was suggesting is illegal, I get the impression that he basically knew that but felt he had no other option and was posting here out of complete frustration. The is a far different situation than someone who is trying to rebody a car for profit as has been known to happen.
Like most forums there is a lot of moral high horse riding here, but I would be willing to bet that many here would contemplate the same course of action if placed in the same situation. I am not saying they would go through with it, but I am betting they would think about it, I know that I would consider it at least for a moment if I had a car I have labored over, put a lot of money into and then could not get a title for.
I agree that you should always transfer the title from the onset, but many don't (me included), so I guess some of us like to live on the wild side and sometimes it doesn't work out as you expected it to, then you have to figure out how to deal with it.
I don't think the OP is a malicious criminal rather someone who was at his wits end and came here hoping someone would talk him off the ledge and offer some solutions (which many did). The all caps thing was his way of expressing how upset he was.
Of course it would not be a forum without those who immediately want to ban, pull down, and generally banish the OP for even suggesting what he did. This is the same crowd who go bat **** crazy when someone suggests getting a fender tag made.
I don't know if Joey has seen this thread or not, but if he has and has decided to leave it up, I applaud him (or whomever) because this is America and at least right now we still have the 1st Amendment. If the OP was actively attempting to rebody a car for criminal purposes then sure, pull it but in this case it is not that black and white and this thread may serve to education not only the OP but others as well.