Well-Known Member
First run of the day I run 12.0. The car was breaking up.The weather was hot and humid so I go back to the pits and make a jet change. Come out for the next time trial and ran 11.42. That was better. The afr was still at 14.0 so I made another jet change in the rear and went up for round 1. I dialed 11.40 and ran 11.37. I broke out but the guy I raced broke out more. GTX For The Win in the first round. I should mention that there was a pretty stiff head wind which is why the MPH is down. Round #2 I go up to the lanes and dial 11.35. I was paired with a guy with a Maverick who was all the way in the back of the line. He finds out he's paired with me and comes up , checks out my car and wishes me luck. He goes back to his car and I see him talking to one of the officials. It looks like they are friends or maybe he is just at Englishtown a lot and knows them. I see the guy talking on the radio and walks by, but I think nothing of it. About 10 minutes later, our class gets the call to race. The line starts moving and then I see an official come around the corner and stop in front of my car. I open the door and he says you're not dialing 11.35 without a rollbar and 5 point harness. I WAS RATTED OUT FOR A TROPHY!!! He wipes off the .35 and writes .50 on the windshield. He says Don't go under!!!!! So while I'm waiting to go up, I'm thinking what I should do. I'm also thinking that I'm done for the day. I have only been bracket racing for a year and a half, so I don't know How to play with the times that much. I also remembered that while racing with Nendra last lear that I missed second gear a couple of times and it slowed me down almost 3 tenths. So I get to the line and do everything the same as usual. When I take off, I shifted from first to third intentionally. I never saw my light go on, but the jackass red lights. I runn 11.55 on an 11.50 dial. Not bad for thinkink my day was over.I go up for the third round and the official comes up to me. I'm saying to myself I'm done for sure this time. He walks up to me and says you have the bye. GTX FTW again!!!! That was a relief. I ran the same way as the previous round, but it felt faster. i shifted from first to third but since I had the bye, I lifted to make sure I didn't get thrown out. It ran 11.52 @ 113. I got the old powerglide dialed in
. Next round the car is still dialed at 11.50. I take off and at the stripe, the guy I'm racing is still in back of me. I lifted again and ran 11.59@109. On to the finals!!!! I was immediately called back to the lanes. The guy I'm racing had the bye the previous round and chose not to run. I don't blame him because it was so hot. My poor wife expected me to be long gone by now. She had to work an overnight shift that night and should have been home sleeping by then. Anyway, I had the left lane all day long and got stuck in the right lane for the finals. Not an excuse, but just wasn't comfortable when I lined up. RED LIGHT!!! End of the run. I was a long tiring day, but still had fun. Just sucks to lose that way.
As a side note, 5 of the final 7 cars were Mopars. I lost to a Cuda.
As a side note, 5 of the final 7 cars were Mopars. I lost to a Cuda.