Well-Known Member
I would say.. You need to do a line pressure test 1st for sure to see were you are, that will tell you a ton... I don't remember, who's/what brand or company trans did you buy it from ?, is it second hand or straight from the original source ? what do they say about no forward gears ? it may be worth calling them {whom ever} for warranty issues at a minimum, I would before you do any work on the thing to void the warranty even on a race trans... Most of the custom shops will be glad to help instead of shipping costs & warranty issues... Have you tried to disconnect the trans-brake switch/button/solenoid, {maybe backwards wiring or something} it may be the issue, shorting possibly or causing the trans to be stuck between 1st & reverse that what a trans-brake does when you activate the button... Do you have the correct filter & extension for the deep pan, there are 2 distinctively different filters between the early 727 trans or 68 & later trans {I think it is} 1 has 3 large holes, the other has only 2, if you have the wrong filter it will not let the pressure build properly... Just spit-balling here... Good luck...
THANKS,this trans. worked for 5 passes and then lost all gears. output shaft clip popped off.when i went in, i saw that dynamic trans. out of branford,ct. had put in a cheap kevlar band in it and a cheap bolt in sprag.
i bought the wide racing band and super sprag, from A & A Trans., reinstalled everything, adjusted band and reinstalled output shaft clip. everything went together fine. aired up the port and held air.
Last night i took out the trans.- I cant take it out again so this time it has to be right. B1Johnny HELP!:icon_pray::help: